Today is The International Day of Peace.
War and perfumes? Next days we will talk about it.
But what prfume would you wear in the day after war?
The trailer of the movie "The Day AfterPeace"
Monday, September 21, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Si Lolita by Lolita Lempicka

Imi este tot mai greu sa incerc noile parfumuri de masa, asa spuse mainstream (nu este cazul sa explic acum ce numesc eu parfum mainstream) . Oricum, a ajuns a-mi fie teama de dezamagiri si jena si inca mai teama de ce as putea sa citesc destre noul parfum x in blogosfera.
Dar se pare ca toata lumea a fost multumita de noul parfum de la Lolita Lempicka. Am deschis cu frica 1000fragrances (Octavian Coifan poate distrugge un parfum, cel putin pentru mine) si am gasit un comentariu destul de magulitor. Apoi alte pagini si iar am gasit pe toata lumea incintata de el. Stiindu-ma, o parfumista nu atit de sofisticata cu cunostinte si nas nici pe de parte asa bune ca ale acestor critici de parfumuri si stiindu-ma destul de pretentioasa, nu m-am asteptat la nimic de la intilnirea cu Si Lolita. De fapt, m-am asteptat sa nu fiu incintata, Octavian Coifan a fost ok cu citeva noi aparitii pe care nu le-am inteles sau nu mi-au placut.
Dar aveau dreptate. Si Lolita se deschide atit de frumos. Eram intr-un magazin de parfumuri care vinde parfumuri de masa si nu aveam sperante speciale, vroiam doar sa incerc citeva mai vechi (vroiam sa incerc iar Chanel 5 Eau Premiere) si am incercat inntr-o doara si Si Lolita pentru ca era nou in raft (nici nu pusesera pretul inca). L-am incercat pe hirtie si a fost oooooooo, ummmmmmm, am facut scos zgomote de placere. Era un parfum floral, un pic citric fresh si inconfudabilul miros condiment Lempicka. Si minunat de cald si nu obisnuita combinatie a acestor ingrediente (floral, citric, condiment, descrierea asta se poitriveste majoritatea noilor parfumuri, sti cum e, vezi in jurul tau multe fete frumoase dar cumva nu e nimic special la ele si intr-o zi o vezi pe ea, nu neaparat mai frumoasa dar are ceva, felul in care totul se combina te lasa in admiratie, zimbind felicita). Deci m-a facut felicita acolo in magazin, am pus din plin pe mina, am obtinut o mostra si am plecat fericita acasa. Pe drum spre casa, in timp ce miroseam din cind in cind, ceva a inceput sa mearga prost, am detectat artificialul, monstrul parfumurilor, un miros ieftin ca fundul unul deodorant ingrozitor si a fost un soc, dezamagita din nou. Sfirsitul unui nou parfum.
Trebuie sa spun ca pentru mine Lolita Lempicka este ceva special. M-am indragostit de Lolita Lempicka by Lolita Lempicka cu multi ani in urma in aeroportul Heathrow (gasesc aeroporturile locuri minunate sa te indragostesti de parfumuri, pacat ca oferta este limitata), acest parfum dulce condimentat, greu dar care nu da dureri de cap. Totusi, toata lumea a parut luata pe sus de miros, am stiut ca este un pic prea mult, nu este cu siguranta un parfum decent. Primul parfum Lolita Lempicka ar merge perfect in budoarul femeilor frumoase care ofera dragoste pe bani, traiesc vieti de lux si toata lumea comnteaza destre excesul de lipstick pe care il folosesc.
Deci asta s-a intimplat in masina, mirosind cu dezamagire in timp ce ma gindeam ca e gata, mostra o sa sfirseasca in sertar neatinsa multa vreme. Dar stai, dupa vre-o ora am gasit o noua surpirza pe incheietura miini, cald pudrat, miros de verde si chypre! Si nota artificiala disparse. Esista inca ceva in acest parfum care imi aminteste de primul Lempicka dar acesta ar putea fi inca mai bun, mirosul verde si chypre il face mai mult lady, nu e neaparat pentru tinere. Pentru mine pare un parfum matur, inteligent si cu atitudine (din pacate fata de pe posterul comercial nu merge deloc cu ideea acestui parfum).
Dupa citeva ore e inca acolo. Si, da, acesta este un parfum grand dame. Nu joaca pe o carte, incercind o flore sau alta, un condiment sau altul si nici in ultima faza nu este un acord mai mult ca altele (pentru baza sint menzionate patchouli, ambra si tonka). E o mixtura bine echilibrata, jucindu-se pina la sfirsit, acorduri care vin si pleaca, de la dulce la amar, de la floral la acest chypre (este chypre din punct de vedere tehnic? Nu stiu, specialistii ar putea sa spuna), de la cald la fresh. O supriza minunata. Ei bine, exceptind acea faza de mijloc dar care nu sta prea mult, poate 15 minute. (am incercat din nou parfumul si pentru mine faza aceasta de mijloc, artificiala si neplacuta – pentru mine, exista cu siguranta) Lista parfumurilor create in trecut de parfumierii autori nu m-a impresionat prea mult dar acesta este un parfum bun, bine facut pentru mine. Felicitari!
Nu stiu daca am sa-l cumpar, am sa ma joc din cind in cind cu mostra pe care o am dar nu m-ar supara daca l-as primi cadou (lista de parfumuri pe care visez sa le primesc este lunga oricum).
Si sticla parfumului: este inca si mai fermecatoare in realitate, ca o bucata de sticla sculptata. Acum ar trebbi sa ma gindesc la ce poza pun. Desi culorile din posterul comercial sint minunate, fata nu-mi spune nimic. O sa o postez totusi ca sa decideti daca va place sau nu. La nowsmellthis puteti vedea un clip video, are farmec.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Si Lolita by Lolita Lempicka

It's harder and harder for me to try new mainstream perfumes (sorry, no space here for what I mean by a mainstream perfume). Anyway, I have grown afraid of disappointments and embarrassment and even more afraid of what I'm going to read on blogosphere about the x new mainstream perfume.
But it seemed everybody was content about the new Lolita Lempika. I have found out about the new release from people who smelled it. I opened 1000fragrances with big fears (Octavian Coifan could destroy a perfume, at least for me) and I found a fairly positive review. Then other pages and I found everybody quite happy with it, too. Knowing myself, an unsophisticated perfumista with no way knowledge and nose as all these good perfume critics and knowing myself picky I expected everything. In fact, I expected I'll be not excited, Octavian was ok with some new releases which I failed to understand or like.
But they were right. Si Lolita opens so beautiful. I was being in a chain store with no special hopes, just trying some old ones (Chanel 5 Eau Premiere) and I sprayed Si Lolita since was a new comer there. And it was wow, ummmm, I made even some noise. A floral, bit citrusy fresh and an unmistakable Lempika spice. And a beautiful warm and not the usual mix of all these (you can put this description to most of perfume, you know how it is, you have all these beautiful girls all around but somehow is nothing special about most of them and one day you see this girl and she is not necessary more beautiful but she has something, the way everything goes together which let you in admiration, smiling happy). So I it made me happy there in the shop, I got my sample and went happy home. On the way home, while sniffing, it suddenly something was going wrong, I've got the artificial, my perfume monster, it smelled airy and cheap like the bottom of an old awful deodorant and it was like 'o, no, not again, not this one'. The end of another perfume.
I have to say for me Lolita Lempika is something special. I fell in love with the Lolita Lempicka by Lolita Lempicka perfume years ago on the Heathrow airport, this spicy sweetness, heavy like a nectar but not heady. At some point I loved it with no shame. Everybody seemed a bit overtaken by my smell, I knew is a bit too much, that's certainly not a decent perfume. The first Lolita Lempicka perfume would go perfect in the boudoirs of these beautiful women who give their love for money , live luxurious lives and everybody comments on their excess of lipstick.
So that was, in the car, sniffing with disappointment while I thought is over, my sample would go to stay untouched for long. But no, stay, after an hour or so I found a surprise on my wrist, warm powdery , still green and chypre! And the artificial note was gone. There is still something which reminds me a bit of the first Lempicka but this one could be even better, the green makes it more lady like, not girlish at all. For me feels like a grown up perfume, intelligent and with an attitude. (unfortunately the girl on the ad print doesn't go with the idea of the perfume).
After few hours it still there. And I'm sorry, this is a grand dame, this is a perfume. It doesn't play on a card, like going for a flower or other, a spice or other and not even the dry down is not too much something for sure (they say patchouli, amber and tonka). It's a well balanced mix, also playing up to the end, coming and going accords, from sweet to bitter, floral to this chypre (is it technically a chypre?), warm to fresh. A beautiful surprise. Well, except that middle stage which is quite bad, but it doesn't stay long, may be 15 minutes or bit more. The lists of perfumes made by the creators didn't impress me too much but this one is a good one. Congratulations!
I don't know if I will buy it, I will still play with my sample but I won't mind getting it as a present (my list for presents it's so long though).
And the bottle is cute, very cute. Now I should think at a picture for this post. I refuse to repeat that commercial ad. Though the colors are wonderful the girl there doesn't tell me anything. But it's just ones opinion. Oh, on nowsmellthis I saw the commercial movie, too. Charming.
But it seemed everybody was content about the new Lolita Lempika. I have found out about the new release from people who smelled it. I opened 1000fragrances with big fears (Octavian Coifan could destroy a perfume, at least for me) and I found a fairly positive review. Then other pages and I found everybody quite happy with it, too. Knowing myself, an unsophisticated perfumista with no way knowledge and nose as all these good perfume critics and knowing myself picky I expected everything. In fact, I expected I'll be not excited, Octavian was ok with some new releases which I failed to understand or like.
But they were right. Si Lolita opens so beautiful. I was being in a chain store with no special hopes, just trying some old ones (Chanel 5 Eau Premiere) and I sprayed Si Lolita since was a new comer there. And it was wow, ummmm, I made even some noise. A floral, bit citrusy fresh and an unmistakable Lempika spice. And a beautiful warm and not the usual mix of all these (you can put this description to most of perfume, you know how it is, you have all these beautiful girls all around but somehow is nothing special about most of them and one day you see this girl and she is not necessary more beautiful but she has something, the way everything goes together which let you in admiration, smiling happy). So I it made me happy there in the shop, I got my sample and went happy home. On the way home, while sniffing, it suddenly something was going wrong, I've got the artificial, my perfume monster, it smelled airy and cheap like the bottom of an old awful deodorant and it was like 'o, no, not again, not this one'. The end of another perfume.
I have to say for me Lolita Lempika is something special. I fell in love with the Lolita Lempicka by Lolita Lempicka perfume years ago on the Heathrow airport, this spicy sweetness, heavy like a nectar but not heady. At some point I loved it with no shame. Everybody seemed a bit overtaken by my smell, I knew is a bit too much, that's certainly not a decent perfume. The first Lolita Lempicka perfume would go perfect in the boudoirs of these beautiful women who give their love for money , live luxurious lives and everybody comments on their excess of lipstick.
So that was, in the car, sniffing with disappointment while I thought is over, my sample would go to stay untouched for long. But no, stay, after an hour or so I found a surprise on my wrist, warm powdery , still green and chypre! And the artificial note was gone. There is still something which reminds me a bit of the first Lempicka but this one could be even better, the green makes it more lady like, not girlish at all. For me feels like a grown up perfume, intelligent and with an attitude. (unfortunately the girl on the ad print doesn't go with the idea of the perfume).
After few hours it still there. And I'm sorry, this is a grand dame, this is a perfume. It doesn't play on a card, like going for a flower or other, a spice or other and not even the dry down is not too much something for sure (they say patchouli, amber and tonka). It's a well balanced mix, also playing up to the end, coming and going accords, from sweet to bitter, floral to this chypre (is it technically a chypre?), warm to fresh. A beautiful surprise. Well, except that middle stage which is quite bad, but it doesn't stay long, may be 15 minutes or bit more. The lists of perfumes made by the creators didn't impress me too much but this one is a good one. Congratulations!
I don't know if I will buy it, I will still play with my sample but I won't mind getting it as a present (my list for presents it's so long though).
And the bottle is cute, very cute. Now I should think at a picture for this post. I refuse to repeat that commercial ad. Though the colors are wonderful the girl there doesn't tell me anything. But it's just ones opinion. Oh, on nowsmellthis I saw the commercial movie, too. Charming.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Galeries Lafayette, David Lynch - women and windows
Daisy by Marc Jacobs - the smell of daisies
I owe to Daisy and internet my actual big passion and relative knowledge (very so) in the field of perfumes. I have always loved perfumes, I have always been addicted to smells but I wouldn't have known anything without Daisy and internet. It happened that my husband was persuaded by the seller in the perfume store that Daisy is a great perfume, it was just launched in chain stores in Germany and they were keen to sell it (is it so that in all chain stores Marc Jacobs has a very good department?). So, my
husband was convinced finally by the nice smell and the chic bottle. He brought it, I liked it. But I was curious to know more, what is with a daisy smell, the daisies don't smell. The daisies are very dear to me, they come with memories of my mother, who refused to buy a ready made crown for me when I finished with first grades my second year in school. So she went in the garden and made the most wonderful crown of daisies, and I felt like looking gorgeous. Since then I know that daisies don't smell, so I wanted to check what is this about a daisy perfume, may be my smell cheated me.
I checked on internet and I discovered a page with information on Daisy and many, too many other perfumes, and that's how it started my smitten about perfumes. I would read internet pages on perfumes by night and rush into perfumes stores by day, using every skin piece of my arms and hands to try perfumes. The page is nowsmellthis,, one of the most comprehensive pages about perfumes (old perfumes and new launches, perfume houses, perfume noses and many other resources). Now I can't pass a day without checking it (and many others).
Now about Daisy: I am grateful to this perfume for the door it opened to me and I will always own it, to try it time to time. I wore it with pleasure, a nice perfume, neutral and, without being original, it is interesting and different from all fashionable perfumes. It was created to appeal to young people but it is not sweetie-fruity-aromatically-floral. But also doesn't go with my very own image about daisies, except some bitterness which goes all along the perfume. The perfumer (Alberto Morilla, who's Bulgari Omnia I love) wanted for sure a modern perfume and it got the clean smell to the end. But it certainly doesn't have the synthetic smell that I detect in most of all trendy perfumes, that sweet artificial base which I always want to wash off. It's not easy with Daisy, I can say what I like comparing other perfumes but it hasn't catch me. It can be a nice day perfume, office (I hate this kind of advices, sorry). You are sure it's not heady or too strong and you are asked what is that nice perfume you wear.
Listed notes for Daisy: top: wild strawberries, red grapefruit, violet leaves; middle: jasmine, gardenia, violets; base: musk, vanilla (from here the clean smell and the vanilla is discreet).
And, of course, the bottle, one of the most wonderful of last years. The plastic daisies attached to the top are beautiful.
It's worth a try, at least for checking how the smell of it matches with your own image of daisies.

I checked on internet and I discovered a page with information on Daisy and many, too many other perfumes, and that's how it started my smitten about perfumes. I would read internet pages on perfumes by night and rush into perfumes stores by day, using every skin piece of my arms and hands to try perfumes. The page is nowsmellthis,, one of the most comprehensive pages about perfumes (old perfumes and new launches, perfume houses, perfume noses and many other resources). Now I can't pass a day without checking it (and many others).
Now about Daisy: I am grateful to this perfume for the door it opened to me and I will always own it, to try it time to time. I wore it with pleasure, a nice perfume, neutral and, without being original, it is interesting and different from all fashionable perfumes. It was created to appeal to young people but it is not sweetie-fruity-aromatically-floral. But also doesn't go with my very own image about daisies, except some bitterness which goes all along the perfume. The perfumer (Alberto Morilla, who's Bulgari Omnia I love) wanted for sure a modern perfume and it got the clean smell to the end. But it certainly doesn't have the synthetic smell that I detect in most of all trendy perfumes, that sweet artificial base which I always want to wash off. It's not easy with Daisy, I can say what I like comparing other perfumes but it hasn't catch me. It can be a nice day perfume, office (I hate this kind of advices, sorry). You are sure it's not heady or too strong and you are asked what is that nice perfume you wear.
Listed notes for Daisy: top: wild strawberries, red grapefruit, violet leaves; middle: jasmine, gardenia, violets; base: musk, vanilla (from here the clean smell and the vanilla is discreet).
And, of course, the bottle, one of the most wonderful of last years. The plastic daisies attached to the top are beautiful.
It's worth a try, at least for checking how the smell of it matches with your own image of daisies.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Munich, Spielberg, one of the most erotic moments on parfum in movies
Just the first 3 minutes. I apologize but I don't know how to cut the clip to keep only these 3 minutes where is about the perfume (and I won't take the time to learn that now).
Any idea which perfume would be? In a way I love that no certain perfume is named in the movie. It let us dream with what we feel as being the ravishing erotic perfume. So what would you like to be?
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